o najlepšiu fotografickú knihu a o najlepšiu umeleckú knihu
v strednej a východnej Európe v rokoch 1999/2000
Awards for the Best Photography Book and the Best Artistic Book published in
Central and Eastern Europe in 1999/2000
Dom kultúry, Nám. SNP 12, Bratislava
poroty / chairman of the jury:
Andreas Müller-Pohle
/ the jury:
Ernestine Ruben, photographer, teacher, Princeton, New Jersey,
Josef Moucha, photographer and curator, Prague, Czech Republic
Jewgenij Berezner, curator, ROSIZO, Moscow, Russia
Lucia Benická, House of Photography, director, Poprad, Slovakia
Irene Attinger, head of library, European House of Photography, Paris, France
Marta Kovalovszky, King St. Stephen’s Museum, Artist’s Book Collection,
Székesfehérvar, Hungaria
cena za najlepšiu fotografickú knihu
First prize for the best photography book:
2.000.-- USD
Hlavná cena za najlepšiu umeleckú knihu
First prize for the best art-book:
1.000.-- USD
Termín zaslania/Deadline: 20. 10. 2000